All who believed were together and had all things in common.
Acts 2:44
To put it simply, teenagers are walking through an interesting time of life. They're still trying to figure out who they are, while simultaneously trying to navigate school, friendships, relationships, future plans, and so much more.
At Rosemont, we strive to walk with students as they try to navigate their way through all these areas of life. We seek to show students who Christ is and how He alone can provide them peace in the challenging teenage years and beyond.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
At Rosemont, we strive to walk with students as they try to navigate their way through all these areas of life. We seek to show students who Christ is and how He alone can provide them peace in the challenging teenage years and beyond.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
A Message from Tyler!
Want to learn what Rosemont Students is all about? Interested in volunteering? Check out this video from our Youth Pastor, Tyler, to learn more. Still have questions? Click the button below to send Tyler an email!
9:30am - Sunday School
10:45am - Worship
10:45am - Worship
5:00-6:00pm - Open Gym
6:00-7:00pm - Youth Group
6:00-7:00pm - Youth Group
We're always doing fun events outside of Sundays & Wednesdays! Check the calendar often for updates!
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Click here to sign up for the monthly parent newsletter!
Text "students" to (833) 265-1762 to never miss an announcement!
Text "students" to (833) 265-1762 to never miss an announcement!
Church Events
RBC Students
RBC Kids
Senior Adults